Bottles Pur Planteur

B&V Pur Planteur

- Since 1999 -

Since 1999, he has been en­joy­ing taste buds in all clubs in St-Tropez, Cannes, Mo­na­co, Pa­ris­...

Germain, the authentic plan­ter crafts­man, trans­cribed you, from juice and pulp of fresh exo­tic fruit (mi­nu­tiou­sly se­le­cted), and cane syrup, all the in­ten­sity of the West Indian spices uni­tes with the de­li­cious fra­gran­ce of Marie-Galante.

From Guadeloupe, a wel­co­ming and ge­ne­rous land, such a sweet cho­reo­gra­phy of Carib­bean in­gre­dients makes it pos­sible to com­bine health (be­ne­fits of nut­meg) and festi­vities !

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Logo évènements Pure Planteur

B&V Pur Planteur and his team, invites you to the trip during his multiple tastings and theme evenings organized all year round.

Events to come



Monte-Carlo Gastronomie 2024 - 27eme Edition

29/11/2024 to 02/12/2024
from 10:00
  • Chapiteau de l’Espace Fontvieille
    5 Av. des Ligures
    98000 monaco

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Kaz a Rhum
Kaz a Rhum

Manufacture of Rhums arranged on the basis of quality products.

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A Guadeloupe rum with particularly prestigious spices.

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